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The Mother Country

A SONG We have an old Mother that peevish is grown, She snubs us like Children that scarce walk alone; She forgets we’re grown up and have Sense of our own; Which nobody can deny, deny, Which no body can deny. If we don’t obey Orders, whatever the Case; She frowns, and she chides, and…

Invectives Against the Americans

To the PRINTER. I would fain know what good purpose can be answered, by the frequent invectives published in your and other papers against the Americans. Do these small writers hope to provoke the nation by their oratory, to embrue its hands in the blood of its, perhaps mistaken children? And if this should be…

We Might As Well Have Hinder’d the Suns Setting

To Charles Thomson Dear Friend London July 11th: 1765 I am extreemly obliged by your kind Letters of Aprill 12th. and 14th. and thank you for the Intelligence they Contain. The Outrages continueally commited by those misguided people, will doubtless tend to Convince all the Considerate on your side of the Water of the Weakness…

The Old Songs Versus Modern Music

To Lord Kames My dear Lord Cravenstreet, London, June 2. 1765. I receiv’d with great Pleasure your friendly Letter by Mr. Alexander, which I should have answer’d sooner by some other Conveyance, if I had understood that his Stay here was like to be so long. I value myself extreamly on the Continuance of your…

The Virginia Resolves

1. Resolved, that the first adventurers and settlers of His Majesty’s colony and dominion of Virginia brought with them and transmitted to their posterity, and all other His Majesty’s subjects since inhabiting in this His Majesty’s said colony, all the liberties, privileges, franchises, and immunities that have at any time been held, enjoyed, and possessed…