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An Infallible Method To Restore Peace and Harmony

To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. Permit me, Sir, to communicate to the Ministry, thro’ the Channel of your Paper, an infallible Method (and but one) to silence the Clamours of the Americans; to restore Peace and Harmony between the Colonies and the Mother Country; to regain the Affections of the most loyal, and…

On the Hutchinson Letters

A Correspondent observes, that the Discovery of Governor Hutchinson’s and Oliver’s Letters points out an easy Way of re-establishing Peace and Harmony between Great Britain and her Colonies, and consolating the Confidence of the latter, by producing all the confidential Letters received from America in public Affairs, and from public Men. It is in vain…

A Little Time Must Infallibly Bring Us All We Demand or Desire

TO THE MASSACHUSETTS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Sir, London, July 7. 1773 The Parliament is at length prorogu’d without meddling with the State of America. Their Time was much employ’d in East India Business: and perhaps it was not thought prudent to lay before them the Advices from New England, tho’ some threatning Intimations had been…

Preface to the Declaration of the Boston Town Meeting

All Accounts of the Discontent so general in our Colonies, have of late Years been industriously smothered, and concealed here; it seeming to suit the Views of the American Minister to have it understood, that by his great Abilities all Faction was subdued, all Opposition suppressed, and the whole Country quieted. — That the true…

The Sommersett Case and the Slave Trade

It is said that some generous humane persons subscribed to the expence of obtaining liberty by law for Somerset the Negro. — It is to be wished that the same humanity may extend itself among numbers; if not to the procuring liberty for those that remain in our Colonies, at least to obtain a law…