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On the Transportation of Felons to the Colonies

On Transported Felons From Virginia we hear, that six Convicts, who were transported for fourteen Years, and shipp’d at Liverpool, rose at Sea, shot the Captain, overcame and confin’d the Seamen, and kept Possession of the Vessel 19 Days; that coming in Sight of Cape Hatteras, they hoisted out the Boat to go on shore;…

Course of Experiments

Philadelphia, April 11, 1751. Notice is hereby given to the CURIOUS, That on Wednesday next, Mr. Kinnersley proposes to begin a Course of Experiments on the newly-discovered ELECTRICAL FIRE, containing not only the most curious of those that have been made and published in Europe, but a considerable Number of new Ones lately made in…

Idea of the English School

Sketch’d out for the Consideration of the Trustees of the PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY. It is expected that every Scholar to be admitted into this School, be at least able to pronounce and divide the Syllables in Reading, and to write a legible Hand. None to be receiv’d that are under Years of Age. First or lowest…

Rules for Making Oneself a Disagreeable Companion

RULES, by the Observation of which, a Man of Wit and Learning may nevertheless make himself a disagreeable Companion. Your Business is to shine; therefore you must by all means prevent the shining of others, for their Brightness may make yours the less distinguish’d. To this End, 1. If possible engross the whole Discourse; and…

Rules Proper to be Observed in Trade

I. Endeavour to be perfect in the calling you are engaged in; and be assiduous in every part thereof; INDUSTRY being the natural means of acquiring wealth, honour, and reputation; as idleness is of poverty, shame, and disgrace. II. Lay a good foundation in regard to principle: Be sure not wilfully to over-reach, or deceive…