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Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania

Advertisement to the Reader. It has long been regretted as a Misfortune to the Youth of this Province, that we have no ACADEMY, in which they might receive the Accomplishments of a regular Education. The following Paper of Hints towards forming a Plan for that Purpose, is so far approv’d by some publick-spirited Gentlemen, to…

Advice to a Young Tradesman, Written by an Old One

To my Friend A. B. As you have desired it of me, I write the following Hints, which have been of Service to me, and may, if observed, be so to you. Remember that TIME is Money. He that can earn Ten Shillings a Day by his Labour, and goes abroad, or sits idle one…

The SPEECH of Miss Polly Baker

The SPEECH of Miss Polly Baker, before a Court of Judicature, at Connecticut in New England, where she was prosecuted the fifth Time for having a Bastard Child; which influenced the Court to dispense with her Punishment, and induced one of her Judges to marry her the next Day. May it please the Honourable Bench…

Verses on the Virginia Capitol Fire

Mr. Printer, It may entertain the curious and learned Part of your Subscribers, if you give them the following genuine Speech and Address, which, for the Importance of the Subject, Grandeur of Sentiment, and Elegance of Expression, perhaps exceed Any they have hitherto seen. For the Benefit of more common Readers, I have turn’d them,…

The Antediluvians Were All Very Sober

The Antediluvians were all very sober For they had no Wine, and they brew’d no October; All wicked, bad Livers, on Mischief still thinking, For there can’t be good Living where there is not good Drinking. Derry down ‘Twas honest old Noah first planted the Vine, And mended his Morals by drinking its Wine; He…