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Execution of Andre

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II.  Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. General Robertson, of the British army, came up yesterday [October 1] to Dobb’s Ferry with a flag, which was soon dismissed, it being of so trite a nature, viz., to entreat his Excellency General Washington, at the request of…

Beelzebub to General Arnold

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II.  Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. A correspondent, in a letter to the printer of the Pennsylvania Packet, referring to the foregoing, says:—”I was sorry to see that in your last paper, giving an account of the funeral of Benedict Arnold, you take but little…

Arnold In Effigy at Philadelphia

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II.  Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. September 30.—This afternoon the people of Philadelphia and vicinity made a demonstration somewhat unfavorable to the late commander at West Point, by carting that notorious conspirator through the streets of the city. The exhibition was as follows:—A stage raised…